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Find out what makes men want to marry certain types of women with our two for 1 bundle. We also provide what your current status is for being marriage material.


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Real Time Results

See how each variables change in real time. This will help you get a better understand on how the population views each metric into the specific sex.

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Metric Explanation GIF

Metric Explanations

Find out how each metric works. This will help you further understand what each metric means at a deeper level.

Opposite Sex Results

Opposite Sex Results

After assessing your own results, you can learn an accurate representation of the opposites sex's value that is equal to yours. This will help identify your realistic standards.

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Additional Variables GIF

Additional Metrics

We have more calculations for you to assess yourself. Find out more of what the opposite sex values your metrics!

Female Metrics


Male Metrics


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Opposite Sex Results

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