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The Female's Value Calculator
Premium Edition

A female's value in the dating market is not determined by herself. It's determined by the opposite sex she is trying to attract. This calculator predicts what majority of men will view women based on the metrics they fill in. These calculations are accurately based on empirical data analyzed by professionals in the field. Men on average will put women into two categories: recreational use only, or marriage material. These are the standards men hold on women who they want to marry. This calculator prioritizes behaviors, actions and physique rather than personality.

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Female Metrics

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Men tend to value women who are younger. Biologically, women are at their most fertile from ages 18-24. Women's behaviors in that age area also are associated to submissiveness, politeness, agreeableness, and more willingness to learn from the male counterpart. All of these traits are what men find attractive. They already work hard against the world, the least they should deal with is a woman who will also challenge him in the household. This will cause problems within the relationship if the man is not able to tolerate the behavior. The best advice is to treat your man with love and respect, this is what he desires from his woman.




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The weight does not skew the calculations because it needs to take account of the person's height in order to figure out the BMI.






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Height for men could vary by individual. On a mass scale, men would associate with women who are shorter than them. This is the male’s instinct to protect women who are shorter because she's viewed to be more feminine from the man's perspective. Since the average height of a man is 5' 9", the probability of taller women who are interacted with taller men starts to dissipate.

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Although the BMI doesn't account for a women's body fat percentage, it is a good predictor of a women’s self-respect for her health. It is in a man’s best interest to invest his valuable time and resources in women who can perform tasks effectively as well as be a nurturing mother. There’s an association that people in general with higher BMI scores also correlate to having poor decision-making skills, lack of healthy values, and a detriment to their physical health. If the person has trouble taking care of themselves, the chances of that lack of care can also be applied to others around them. So a woman with a high BMI would not be a suitable candidate for taking care of her man or children.





Hair Length:



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Hair length is a sign of providing more resources to their offspring in the male's point of view. The amount of hair needed to produce is required a lot from the body. The longer the hair, the more attractive you are and more potential to have children with.

Weekly Showers:



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The amount of showers taken throughout the week is a characteristic of how you take care of your hygiene and how responsible you are to maintain your health. The lack of showers are signs of filth and low maintenance on the individual which can be unattractive to many men. The more clean and fresh you are with your hygiene, the more attractive you can be to men.



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While attractions to certain ethnicity can vary from person to person. Data shows which one is favored amongst men. The highest attraction to men are Asian women, the lowest are Black women. This is because some ethnicities are associated with common characteristics that come from tradition, genetics, and circumstances. Asian women tend to have more feminine characteristics compared to black women as well as aesthetics that are more attractive to the male's eye.



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There is a certain demographic of men who do not care if you have some form of religion within your life. While many others do care about the religion of the women they associate with. Another reason for religious women is that they are less likely to make sinful actions including infidelity. Keep in mind that doesn't mean all religious women are faithful, but it helps lower the odds.



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Education for men are one of the least important traits for signs of attraction. While it's already a requirement for men to have a good education to be seen as datable, men do not feel the same when vetting for women. By all means there is nothing wrong with having a degree, it's not a characteristic that men look for. Yes there is little signs of interest, but it's not the best selling point to tell men how valuable you are. The degree that you pursue for may play a lot into how you are as a women. For example, women with degrees that go into nursing or teaching shows more feminine traits compared to pursuing a degree in business or engineering. Keep in mind, just because a women did not pursue a degree, does not mean she lacks intelligence.



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Men who are high of value are more likely to want women who stay at home to maintain the living space and create a habitable environment for the man to come home to. Having two breadwinners in the relationship creates a disaster in the dynamic of the relationship This can cause less time cooking healthy meals at home and more time spent eating out whether it’s a restaurant meal or fast food. There will be very little time to take care of children and more money spent on hiring a babysitter. Little time to do home chores will be difficult to operate in a clean environment as well. To have an optimal relationship, a high-valued man is out to make the most financial money while the highly valued woman works to make the living space more livable.

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Are you the type to be at home to take care of the house or to go and make yourself money to bring back home.

Social Media:


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Social media has its pros and cons. The pros can be having access to many friends and family to the tips of your fingers. The cons are comparing yourself to the unrealistic world of others that are mostly highlights of their best picture and caption. Many women do take a lot of strangers' advice and compare their relationship to others which can be a detriment to their current relationship. Women who stay away from social media is less attention they get from other men which is a high-value trait that men are looking for. If a woman is taken in a relationship and is still posting herself on social media, she is more likely of finding a man of higher status that she could be willing to leave her main man for OR have backup men to date in case the current relationship goes south. The more revealing clothing she puts herself out in social media, the more she is advertising her looks for more attention when ideally her man is the only attention she should be receiving. A man is not willing to tolerate a woman who constantly advertises herself.

Sex Work:


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Sex work for a large majority of men is the biggest predictor to assessing a women's status to become his wife. No man, whatsoever, wants to be associated with a sex worker who gives out her sexuality to the public. One thing that men value the most is a women's sexual exclusivity. The more she hides her looks for only her man to see is a privilege for the man to have in the relationship. If that privilege is revoked for the whole world to see, that already categorizes you to not be his main woman but instead be shared amongst other men since that is the position you put yourself in. You can't expect to be in an exclusive relationship when you share your sexuality with the public.

Raised by:


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Children have far greater outcomes to living a better, successful life when he/she is raised by two parents. Fewer problems arise as well such as academic, social, emotional, and cognition. 1 in 4 children are raised without a father which can be a detriment to the female’s health and decision-making skills. Without a father figure to guide daughters in the right direction, it can often lead to becoming sexually active, committing illegal acts, and using illegal drugs at young ages. This itself can significantly impact a man's decision to be your main chick.

Provide Domestic Support:


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Providing domestic support to your man will significantly separate you from the rest of the women. A highly valued man is most likely to be busy making his money. You make yourself incredibly valuable to your man if you figure out how to relieve some of his stresses outside of his career or even inside his career. This can include saving him time from distractions so he can focus more on his career such as cleaning, cooking, and maintaining his hygiene. This indirectly gives him less stress from outside of his career. If you were to identify any missing gaps inside his business operations (or job), then you can satisfy some sort of role to alleviate the workload from his shoulders, even the tiniest effort will help him. That is when he finds you to be irreplaceable because no other woman can solve his stress better than you.

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Do you help your significant other while he's on his journey? Actions could be cleaning, cooking, labor, etc.

Relationship Status:


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This shows where you are currently in your dating life. Women who are single and are in their late 20's or 30's can raise a man's suspicion as to why you haven't been picked up yet. If he knows that men heavily pursued you from ages 18-24 and still haven't been able to keep a man can reveal your qualities of a woman. Divorced women have higher suspicions amongst men because regardless of how the divorce went, it shows the lack of vetting skills to finding the right man as well as the experience of going through the divorce which shows that she is more capable of doing it again.



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Women who have children will prioritize them over anybody, and rightfully so. This, on the other hand, is disadvantageous to men who want to be an important role in a relationship. The man who deals with another women's children does not get the same authority compared to a child that was his. A man that has no authority in the relationship emasculates him no matter how much he tries to be connected with the children with his time and money. Even if he does stay in the relationship, the child will never appreciate a good step-father until they turn into adults. In the end, it's not in a man's best interest to deal with a woman with another man's children when he could find another woman with no children.

Committed Abortion(s):


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While the topic of abortions can be political, it's more important to focus on the impact that a woman goes through after an abortion. In a clinic sample in 1975, 4 in 10 women reported having unresolved negative feelings about the abortion. This was reported to cause less stable relationships and less support from their partners. While having an unwanted baby is very risky to raise, aborting a baby will play a negative role in women's mental health.

Monthly Income:



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Monthly income—similar to a women's education—is not a trait that men use to assess a women's role in the relationship. In fact, the more money a man has, the less he'll care for a women's wealth. Another unfortunate problem with high earning women comes with characteristics that it took to become a high earning individual. These characteristics are disagreeableness, competitiveness, career-oriented, and assertiveness. These are all characteristics that men do not find attractive in a relationship and can even cause clashing from one another which is not in a man's best interest.

Total Debt:



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Debt that women have such as car loans, student loans, and credit card payments could be seen as someone with poor financial literacy. While it's common for a man to share his wealth with his women, it would be a poor choice to share his wealth with someone that has poor spending habits.




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Despite there being sexual positivity in the west, a women’s sexual past is important to a man’s security in the relationship. Women with a high amount of sexual partners are more likely to divorce, perform infidelity, carry mental baggage, carry an STI/STD, and lessen pair-bonding receptors. An additional downside to high body counts is the number of bacteria shared with multiple partners that can be unhygienic, especially if it was within close times. Unlike the male genitalia, there is little to no effective method to clean out the vagina without causing infections or affecting pH balances. Above all, the women’s sexuality is more valuable to a man the more exclusive it is to him. Some men may not care about your past about your sexual past, but majority are on the contrary.

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Men who only have
% of value are willing to marry you. That's if you're willing to date him.















BMI Category:










Social Media:


Sex Work:


Raised by:


Domestic Support:


Monthly Income:



Total Debt:






Premium Summary

Hair Length:



Weekly Showers:



Relationship Status:




Committed Abortion(s):




Valued Man Might Contain:




Yearly Income:








BMI Category:




Porn Viewing:
